Why are Project Linus guidelines so strick?
What types of blankets do you accept?
Who can donate a blanket?
Can groups make blankets as part of a community service time?
Do the blankets have to be exact sizes?
- It is our wonderful volunteers who provide new, handmade, washable blankets to be given as gifts to those in crisis
Why are Project Linus guidelines so strick?
- Our blankets go to children who are experiencing all different kinds of trauma and/or crisis. We, like parents, want to protect the child that is receiving the blanket and therefore have to keep in mind that they go to all types of children with all types of medical conditions. Below are some FAQ and the why.
- Why can't the fleece be two layers?
- If the blanket goes to a child with a fever, we don't want the blanket to be too heavy and make them hotter.
- Why must the blanket be free of smoke, mildew and mold
- Many children have environmental allergies and we don't want the blanket to cause any medical issues.
- Why must it be washed prior to me donating if I have a pet?
- Although we too love our pets like family, some children may be allergic to cats/dogs etc.
- Why can't the fleece be two layers?
What types of blankets do you accept?
- We accept and welcome all blanket styles, including but not limited to:
- Pieced or whole cloth quilts
- Tied comforters
- Single layer fleece blankets
- Crocheted or knitted afghans, and receiving blankets - all in child-friendly colors and designs.
Who can donate a blanket?
Can groups make blankets as part of a community service time?
- Yes, absolutely! We highly encourage this as it is part of our mission. We have Community Liaisons who are dedicated volunteers that can come and talk to your group and/or show you the proper way to make the blankets from any material chosen that is acceptable. Click here to contact us to set-up a time and place.
- For ALL groups who would like to make and donate blankets, please click here for blanket specifications
Do the blankets have to be exact sizes?
- No, approximate sizes are fine. Blankets, like kids, come in all sizes. Click here for sizes
Please join our Facebook group and help us help the children in Frederick County
our likes, comments, and shares help spread the word and get more blankets to more children. Thank you!
our likes, comments, and shares help spread the word and get more blankets to more children. Thank you!